What are discount agreements?
Since April 2007, health insurance funds have had the opportunity to sign agreements with various pharmaceutical suppliers. These agreements are intended to enable health insurance funds to buy pharmaceuticals as cheaply as possible.
How does this affect you?
If your health insurance fund has concluded an agreement of this type with us, Hennig Arzneimittel GmbH & Co. KG, for a certain medication, your pharmacist will be required by law* to issue our preparation – even if you have previously taken a pharmaceutical from another company.
What are the benefits?
Of course, health insurance funds look not only at the price of the pharmaceutical, but also at the quality. This can reduce health insurance fund spending, while maintaining quality – which can help to ensure that you continue to pay a lower contribution to your health insurance fund.
Which pharmaceuticals are affected?
Generally speaking, a discount agreement can be signed for any pharmaceutical. However, it is often only generic medicines that are affected. These are patent-free pharmaceuticals that contain the same ingredients and are supplied by several companies. In most cases, they can be swapped safely.